
ltvr long term vacation rentals

LTVR Renters

Because many cities restrict short-term rentals (STVRS), homeowners now list their homes for LONG TERM vacation rentals (LTVR™ 31 days or longer) which can save you a great amount of money. Not only are rents reduced up to 75% off normal rates, but you save on “hotel and short-term lodging” taxes as well. These taxes make up 7-15% of your total bill.  

Share Your Rental

All rentals are contracted with ONE renter for the full time, however this one renter may allow family and friends to join them and share the rental.  Example: A father might rent the home for a month, but allow his children and their families to stay certain weeks. While on other weeks, he and his wife use it alone. While friends and family may contribute to the cost of the rental, this is done OFF this rental platform and arranged privately.

Real Example of Savings